Frequently Asked Questions
Registration & Teams
How many hackers should be in one team?
There’s no strict limit, but we advise teams to consist of 3-5 members. If your team has 6 or 7 members, it’s fine as long as you are confident that teamwork will be effective. If you are just a team of 2 people, consider looking for more hackers to join your team. We’ll be happy to help you find more members.
How to apply as a team?
You can purchase your tickets on our Eventbrite page. When purchasing, select Team instead of Individual. Then follow these instructions.
What should I do if I don't have any team?
There will be more people without team, no worries. You can build a team asking in our Slack channel (#build-your-team) or right at the start of the hackathon. We’ll be happy to help you finding your team.
What if I want to work on my own?
If you plan to go to beginner’s track, feel free to work on your own. If you plan to work on one of four main tracks, please put together or join a team.
Who can apply and how?
If you love tech, we’d like to meet you! Tracks are focused on Java, C# and Python enthusiasts, but if you are good in other areas, you’re more than welcome! There is also Python track for beginners, where you can enhance your skills and learn Python. JavaScript skills might be used in various tracks as well.
Tracks & Workshops
How can I pick a track?
Choose which track suits you the best and then select suitable ticket on Eventbrite’s page.
What if I don't want to be in a track?
Everybody needs to select a track at the registration. It’s fine if you don’t have a team if you are interested in Python track for beginners.
Can I win a prize in specific track?
Track prizes will be provided by the track leader (company). We will announce the main prize of the hackathon at least 2 weeks before hackathon takes place.
I'm not sure which track is for me. Can I decide during the event?
Please choose one of the tracks. If you find out during the event that this track is definitely not for you, you can switch tracks.
How can I participate on workshop?
You can apply to workshops during the event on dedicated Slack channel.
About Hackathon
What is CodeBrew Hackathon?
CodeBrew is an event where programmers, designers and tech enthusiasts meet and work together on various tracks and challenges. Those tracks and challenges are mainly focused on developing future-breaking applications and solutions. Find your team and form the future of IT!
What happens on CodeBrew Hackathon 2019?
During two weekend days, you’ll meet with people who love IT as you do. You can work on challenges, eat what you want, attend interesting workshops, chat with people and much more.
Who is organizing the hackathon?
This hackathon is organized by ENGETO Academy – startup focusing on IT education.
Register to CodeBrew 2020!
Join now and form the future of IT!

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